If You Were Exposed to Firefighting Foam and Diagnosed with Cancer, You May be Entitled to Significant Compensation.

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Were you or a loved one exposed to AFFF Foam at least 10 times?
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A photograph of a firefighter retrieving equipment from a firetruck

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  • AFFF (Aqueous Film Forming Foam) is a type of firefighting foam that contains chemicals called PFAS. These chemicals have been connected to serious health problems, like cancer.
  • Many lawsuits have been filed against AFFF manufacturers, claiming that the companies knew the foam was dangerous but failed to warn the public about the health risks.

Health Risks from AFFF Foam Spark Lawsuits Against Manufacturers

Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF), commonly used in firefighting, contains harmful "forever chemicals" called PFAS, which are linked to serious health problems like cancer, thyroid disease, and immune system issues. Firefighters, military personnel, and airport workers who have been exposed are at high risk. Lawsuits are being filed against AFFF manufacturers, accusing them of failing to warn the public about these dangers, despite knowing about the risks for decades. Thousands of claims are being consolidated in a U.S. court to help affected individuals seek justice and compensation.

Study Finds AFFF Foam Caused Widespread Water Contamination in Washington Town

A new study from Airway Heights, Washington, reveals that decades of AFFF foam use by the military have led to serious PFAS contamination of local water supplies. The research, conducted by the University of Arizona, found that people living near the military base had unusually high levels of PFAS in their blood. This study adds to growing evidence of the harmful effects of AFFF on both the environment and public health.

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